Getting Started with BoxTrong

Whether you are an absolute beginner, intermediate, or advanced,
BoxTrong will help you to stay healthy easily wherever and whenever. Get result-focused knwoledge on weight loss, strength, nutrition, and more on our blog

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Workout at home with ease

We believe fitness should be accessible to everyone, everywhere.
With hundreds of professional workouts, healthy recipes and informative articles, you'll have everything you need to reach your personal fitness goal.

Visit our online shop

We got you covered, we have a selection of work from home machines and food recommended to you by our trainers.
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Bench One $460
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Bench Two $890
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Bench Three $960
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Bench Four $1,760
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Food One $460
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Food Two $890
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Food Three $960
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Food Four $1,760

Our recently included program

Here we align the recenlty actives in the 2022 program for everyone to follow
Basic Yoga

Basic Yoga movement for beginners

Muscle Building

Improve muscle mass with the rigth exercise

Cardio strength

Combinig bodyweight cardio with strength exercise.

Beginer Pilates

Basic pilates movements for beginners

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